Testimonials – BoMentis Coaching House

Accelerating change and development

Case Music Finland

Music Finland was in the midst of a merger as two different organizations, Music Export Finland and the Finnish music information center Fimic came together under the name of Music Finland.

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Impactful teamcoaching training

Training program: Systemic Team Coach©

The Systemic Team Coach® training process led by Vesa Ristikangas and Peter Peitsalo was extremely effective. Through the training, I have managed to build trust in my own abilities and knowledge. Thank you for the amazing trainers, who challenges us to find the essential in team coaching. Fundamental to our learning was the valuable positive feedback we gained from our trainers about our strengths.

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Management Team – Leadership Coaching

Case Elisa Eesti Ltd

Kaija Teemagi; HR manager, and member of the board from Elisa Eesti elaborated how the company wanted to change their leadership culture into more of a coaching leadership style. To ensure the change throughout the organization, the first step was to train Elisa Eesti’s management team.

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Courage to think in a new way

Case AbbVie Ltd

Training program: Coaching Leader©

After the Coaching Leader© training, I created an "inner need" to start acting with a coaching leadership mindset and keep on learning all the new skills I had acquired. After the training, I gained the courage to try the new way of thinking in my daily life.

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Facilitation consists of both skill and emotion

Case Finnish Board of Education

Training program: Invigorating facilitator©

Facilitation requires skill and emotion. It is really important to remember, that the facilitator needs to have great presense and ensure the progress of the process. The facilitator must be able to sense, how the group discusses, to listen and the hear when is it time to stop and take a moment to focus on a certain topic and when is it time to move on.

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Systemic Business Coach® was an empowering experience

Case Evira

Training program: Systemic Business Coach®

Systemic Business Coach® training was an extremely empowering experience. After going through the training, I gained a whole new understanding of my environment and it strengthened my understanding of how important it is to be aware of the systems that we have around us. 

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Facilitation is a skill, that robotics is not going to replace

Case Elisa Ltd.

Training Program: Facilitation wizard©

In the Facilitation wizard© training, I learned concretely how I can utilize facilitation skills in my daily work. I see that facilitation skills and different methods of how to excite a team are extremely important in relation to the future. Facilitation is a form of art that automatization and robotics are not going to replace.

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Great tools to coach individuals and teams

Case Orion Ltd.

Training program: Systemic Business Coach®, Systemic Mentorcoaching©

The Systemic Business Coach® training gave me as a HR director great tools to coach individuals and teams. Systemic thinking helped me to understand the different constantly changing forces that play a role within the organization. The training also gave me competences to succeed in change leadership. 

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Humans are Systemic Beings, who Influence and who are Influenced

Case Esperi

Training Program: Systemic Business Coach®

I did some research and ended up choosing the Systemic Business Coach® training because I felt like the systemic approach was an intriguing way to look at the world and the way people interact. The training strengthened my assumptions about the importance of interaction.

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Courage to Utilize Coaching-based Leadership in Daily Work

Plan International

Training program: Businesscoaching Basic Skills©

Businesscoaching Basic Skills© training gave me tools to develop leadership practices in our whole organization. The training was extremely valuable for me in my work as an HR-Director.

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