Systemic Mentor Coach©

Ensure your coach-certification and maintain your know-how

Systemic Mentor Coach©

Coaching House’s Systemic Mentor Coaching training comprises three 2 and a half-hour group meetings and three private virtual sessions, that are calendared according to your schedule. In accordance with the ICF regulations, the 10-hour training process is implemented during a 3-month period.

During the group sessions, the participants’ coaching skills are reinforced through the giving and receiving of feedback on the use of ICF’s coaching core competencies.


  • Deeper, more effective coaching skills
  • Specific feedback on your coaching
  • Fulfillment of the requirements for your certification or the renewal of your certification
  • A hands-on experience of the power of virtual coaching

Inquire more information from Anna Lönnroth, +358 40 5033 337,


3 months


1500 € + VAT

Following trainings

Systemic Mentor Coach (xx) 28.8.2020–27.11.2020

BoMentis, Linnoitustie 4 A, Violin-talo, 02600 Espoo

Module I: 28.8.2020, 15.30-18.00

Module II: 16.10.2020, 15.30-18.00

Module III: 27.11.2020, 15.30-18.00


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Koulutus: Systeeminen mentorcoaching©

Systeeminen mentorcoaching© -koulutus oli antoisa ja mieltä avartava kokemus. Koulutuksen ansiosta omat kehitysalueeni selkiytyivät entisestään ja reflektoinnin kautta kaikki osallistujat oppivat toisiltaan. Koulutuksessa ei pysytelty vain omien vahvuuksien äärellä, vaan osallistujia todella haastettiin. Se oli herättelevää. Rohkeus kasvoi kaikella tavalla.

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